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Art and Craft Episodes | Learning Time with Timmy Compilation | Learn English for Kids

Duration: 09:49Views: 282.5KLikes: 175Date Created: Sep, 2021

Channel: Learning Time with Timmy

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: english lessonslearning funcartoons for kidslearning english for kidslearning timeanimationaardmancartoons for childrenlanguage lessonssheep cartoonbritish councillearning fun for kidsfull episodestimmy timelearning time with timmylearn englishnursery rhymes

Description: Timestamps: 0:00 Rainbow Colours 4:50 Colour Mixing Learning Time with Timmy courses with the British Council are available in many countries around the world. Find your local course below. With this fun learning series by the British Council and Aardman, your child will develop English skills and much more with Timmy! COURSE LINKS: Bahrain: bit.ly/LTWTBahrain Bangladesh: bit.ly/LTWTBangladesh Bulgaria: bit.ly/ltcoursebulgaria Chile: bit.ly/ltwtchile Czech Republic: bit.ly/ltcourseczechrepublic Egypt: bit.ly/ltcourseegypt France: bit.ly/LTWTFrance Greece: bit.ly/ltcoursegreece Hungary: bit.ly/ltwtHungary Italy: bit.ly/LTWTItaly Kuwait: bit.ly/ltcoursekuwait Mauritius: bit.ly/ltcoursemauritius Mexico: bit.ly/ltwtMexico19 Morocco: bit.ly/ltcoursemorocco Poland: bit.ly/ltwtPoland Portugal: bit.ly/ltwtPortugal Qatar: bit.ly/ltcourseqatar Romania: bit.ly/ltwtRomania Saudi Arabia: bit.ly/ltcoursesaudi Singapore: bit.ly/ltcoursesingapore Slovakia: bit.ly/LTWTSlovakia Spain: bit.ly/ltwtspain Sri Lanka: bit.ly/LTWTSriLanka19 UAE: bit.ly/ltcourseuae Ukraine: bit.ly/ltcourseukraine Vietnam: bit.ly/LTWTVietnam If your country is not listed, click here bit.ly/BCFindACourse to find more British Council courses. Or you can discover more ways to learn with Timmy at home. ONLINE LEARNING AT HOME FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS: To develop your own knowledge about how children learn and to support your child’s learning at home, do our online course on FutureLearn led by our team of early years educators. Find out more here bit.ly/EECFutureLearnExpertTrackLTWTYT BOOKS FOR PARENTS AND TEACHERS Read together! Based on the Learning Time with Timmy series, this series of Ladybird readers boost understanding of everyday phrases, vocabulary and include listening activities online. Find out more bit.ly/LTWTLadybirdbooks FOLLOW THE BRITISH COUNCIL AND TIMMY: Follow Learning Time with Timmy on Facebook: facebook.com/timmytime Follow British Council on Facebook: bit.ly/LearnEnglishParentsFBYT British Council website: bit.ly/LTWTBCwebsiteYT Aardman website: aardman.com Open this unique window of opportunity for your child now, and you will open doors to their future happiness later in school, work and life.

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